Connect with local entrepreneurs and small businesses
Global Entrepreneurship Week Penn State offers a platform for organizations and Penn State campuses, colleges, and units to connect with local entrepreneurs and small businesses. By hosting a Global Entrepreneurship Week event or partnering with us, you can better amplify your entrepreneurial events and resources to our local communities.
Host an Event
Community organizations and Penn State campuses, colleges, and units can host Global Entrepreneurship Week Penn State events. Our events foster collaboration and connections among entrepreneurs, small business owners, Penn State, and the local business community. Events may include workshops, seminars, panel discussions, and networking activities, among other types.
Become a Community Partner
Community partners gain visibility and recognition within local small business and entrepreneurial communities. They also obtain support from the Global Entrepreneurship Week Penn State network, which can help enhance their events as well as small business and entrepreneurship resources.
Become a Penn State Partner
Global Entrepreneurship Week Penn State offers a platform to showcase Penn State University entrepreneurial programs and events. University partners have the ability to connect with local community members, entrepreneurs, students, and faculty, in addition to other Penn State colleges, units, and organizations.
The Penn State Small Business Development Center (SBDC) manages our planning, organization, and execution. Learn more about Global Entrepreneurship Week Penn State.